News and events 

A happy moment after completing the Lithuanian language course!

All participants' knowledge is deeper and their self-confidence is stronger. We are proud of your learning achievements.

Let's join forces to help!

Event at the Telšiai Cultural Centre

Charity and Support Foundation "Telšiai with Ukraine" invites you to the event "Let's join forces to help" on April 26, 2024 at 6 pm. During the event, the activities of the Charity and Support Foundation "Telšiai with Ukraine" will be presented, as well as the possibilities of providing assistance to refugees.

The concert part of the event will be filled with performances by the artists listed below

CODA dance school dancers

Oksana Auškalnytė and Rosana Štemanetian

Dancer Sofia Vlasova

Vocal ensemble MINI STARS

Folk rock band ŽALVARINIS

If you are passionate about the issues of war refugees from Ukraine, we warmly invite you to attend and enjoy the programme of the event for free!

The number of places is limited, so please do not hesitate to make a reservation using the contact details below TEL +37065597056

The event is funded by a grant from the US government under project funding. More about the project here.

"Generation Ukraine“ – is a film about light, shot in the dark. They say youth is the best time. It's the time to live life to the full, to have new experiences, to fall in love, to make mistakes and to succeed. But what do you do when your homeland is attacked by a neighbouring country?

"Generation Ukraine" - documentary Minimal Movie | Directed and produced by Roman Blazhan and Mykhailo Volkov Produced and funded by Generation Europe - The Academy | Line producer: Katya Heinrich.

The film will be screened on 16 April at 18:00.

Link to the film's promotion on facebook

Telšiai Ukrainians already have official partners

Congratulations to the Ukrainian community in Telšiai district for having official partners - the Ukrainian community of Mažeikiai. 25 March. A cooperation agreement between the charity and support foundation "Telšiai with Ukraine" and the Mažeikiai District Municipality Administration was signed in Mažeikiai District Municipality. The charity and support fund "Telšiai with Ukraine", headed by Algimantas Ubartas, has been providing various assistance to Ukrainian war refugees living in Telšiai District and throughout Samogitia for two years. As the Ukrainians living in the Mažeikiai district have already had to be helped several times, in order to join forces and to be able to respond more quickly and to be able to help them, the agreement covers issues of communication, sharing of information about vacancies, integration into the education system, not only for children, but also for adults, and the organisation of social activities.

It is hoped that thanks to this cooperation agreement, the Ukrainian communities of Telšiai and Mažeikiai districts will make friends and find close ties.

The camp brought refugee families together

On 20-24 February, several Ukrainian refugee families, supported by the Charity and Support Foundation "Telšiai with Ukraine", spent time in the camp. These dates were not chosen by chance to organise the family camp. The Foundation focuses not only on financial and social assistance to war refugees, but also on the employment of children and young people during the school holidays, encouraging the whole family to spend time together in a productive way, and bringing the Ukrainian community together. During the four days spent together at the rural tourist farm, the families not only rested, but also had group sessions with a psychologist, yoga lessons, education on glass, and organised educational trips and excursions to the town of Varniai (Telšiai region). After four days together, the families returned home not only rested, but also having made friends and strengthened the bond between children and parents. Therefore, we will be sure to invite refugee families to other similar camps organised by the Foundation.

Camp for children from Ukraine

On 3-7 July 2023, 17 Ukrainian children from different schools in the Telšiai district attended a camp at the Ubiškės Multifunctional Centre. The camp was organised by the Ubiškės Multifunctional Centre and financed by the charity and support fund "Telšiai with Ukraine", with which the Centre has been cooperating for the second year.

This year, the campers had a wide range of activities: they started with a get-to-know-you session, a talent show, sports competitions and excursions to the local area. The children took part in a workshop, presenting paintings made from plants collected in the Bivaine Forest. The day started with morning exercise and water treatments at the Ubiškės pond, where a safe bathing place has been created thanks to the efforts of the community.

The second shipment has arrived in Ukraine!

Telšiai residents unite for good deeds.

Thank you to the Ukrainians staying in Telšiai and to the Telšiai Society for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing for knitting warm socks!

Thank you to the Telšiai Youth Centre and the Žemaitė Gymnasium community for the handmade nets and candles!

"Spring Awakening" auction

Ukrainians mobilise for volunteering in Telšiai

The Ukrainian community settled in Telšiai District is actively involved in volunteering activities in various non-governmental organisations.

In the photos below, Ukrainian refugees volunteer at the Food Bank.

An evening of thanksgiving and support with el Fuego

A thank-you evening is planned for 28 October 2022 at the Telšiai Cultural Centre.

Juventas Radzys, Ernesta Dargužienė and Kęstutis Jablonskis will perform during the event.

The second part of the evening will feature a concert by the band el Fuego.

Anyone interested in attending the concert is invited to contact +37065597056 or

During the event, funds will be collected to the account of the charity support fund "Telšiai with Ukraine" (credit union "Germanto lobis", account no. LT675011300014003734), which will be used to help Ukrainians who have come to Telšiai region.

Donate Džiugo g. 6, Telšiai

Donations of clothing and other items

A space has already been opened (address Džiugo g. 6, Telšiai), where donations (household items, clothes, shoes, etc.) for the refugees of the war in Ukraine will be accepted and distributed!We invite you to visit all the guests from the Ukraine and to choose for yourself the necessary items and clothes according to the need for free!

Space Katedros a. 3, Telšiai

Ukrainian Community Centre

From April this year, every Monday from 18:00, members of the Ukrainian community gather at the UKRAINIAN COMMUNITY CENTRE at Katedros a. 3, Telšiai. The meetings are held over a cup of coffee or tea, where people share their experiences and problems, as well as organise joint activities.

We invite all refugees of the war in Ukraine who are staying in the Telšiai region to participate actively!