Who we are

The Charity and Donation Fund "Telšiai with Ukraine" (hereinafter - the Fund) was established on March 15, 2022 in response to the events of the military invasion of Ukraine and the growing number of refugees from Ukraine in the Telšiai region.

The main goal of the Fund is to bring together businesses, farmers and residents to provide financial, material, material goods and psychological support to help refugees from Ukraine who have arrived in the Telšiai region.

The founders of the Fund, together with their social partners, mediate in the search for temporary shelter, assist in settling in, i.e. purchase or organise the delivery of necessary equipment, furniture and other items to the location; provide personal items as needed; mediate in the search for a job; and help organise meetings of the community of war refugees who have come from Ukraine, in an informal and positive environment, providing the necessary advice and immediate support.

What we do

The Charity and Donation Fund "Telšiai with Ukraine"

  • Provides Ukrainian refugee children with new stationery for their education;

  • purchases household appliances needed to set up in temporary accommodation;

  • provides Ukrainian refugees with new and second-hand clothes, toys and other household items;

  • provides pregnant women with the necessary supplies and items;

  • organises the collection and delivery of furniture on request;

  • together with its partners organise events for the Ukrainian community;

  • contributes to the improvement of the Ukrainian Community Centre;

  • provides other services as needed for newcomers from Ukraine.

Music to thank all benefactors

Published 2024. 3 May. No. 32, in the newspaper "Kalvotoji Žemaitija"

We're in the press

The camp reunited refugee families

Published 2024. March 3d. No. 9, in the newspaper "West Lithuania"

Published on January 23, 2024. In the newspaper "Vakarų Lietuva"

Let's join forces to help!

"Telšiai with Ukraine" - helping refugees from Ukraine who have arrived in Telšiai district

Published on December 29, 2023. In the newspaper "Telšių žinios"

Published on December 23, 2023. In the newspaper "Kalvotoji Žemaitija"

US Embassy satisfied with the activities of the Telšiai with Ukraine Charity and Support Foundation

Published on December 15, 2023. In the newspaper "Telšių žinios"

Ukrainians living in Telšiai still need help

Published on September 9, 2023. No. 69 in the newspaper "Kalvotoji Žemaitija".

Ukrainian weightlifter will be able to train again thanks to the goodwill of Telšiai residents

Published on May 14, 2022. No. 37 in the newspaper "Kalvotoji Žemaitija"

Small deeds with big love and help for Ukraine

The Telšiai with Ukraine Charity and Support Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) is two months into its activities. More than 50 people have volunteered in various activities and in the organisation and provision of assistance, but the most surprising thing is the help of ordinary people to the Ukrainians who have arrived. We would like to thank Mrs. Milda Jurkaitienė, who knitted socks for the young and the old, bought food and handed it over to the Ukrainians through the Fund. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Gediminas Savickis, who has rented a house with household appliances to the Fund to ensure the accommodation of Ukrainians. The Telšiai District Pensioners' Union, represented by Kajatonas Šliogeris, was one of the first to collect donations on their own initiative and transfer them to the Fund's donation account. Thank you for this initiative and for your support in the implementation of further activities! We would also like to thank another NGO - Telšiai Society for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing - for joining the campaign to collect donations for the refugees from Ukraine. Among the donors to the Fund is the Viešvėnai village community, to whom we send our sincere thanks! We are grateful to the residents of Telšiai district who contributed to the Foundation's budget by attending the performance "We Read About Love" at the Telšiai Žemaitė Drama Theatre. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to the initiator of this idea - the Telšiai Žemaitė Drama Theatre, which has a team of professional staff, and we would like to pass on our special thanks to the theatre's director, Deividas Rajunčius, and the director, Laimutė Pocevičienė. Since the start of the Fund's activities, we have been accompanied by two organisations, without which all the work would not be what we can enjoy today. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Telšiai Cultural Centre and especially to its director Linas Ulkštinas. We would also like to thank the Telšiai Diocesan Curia and a special thanks to the Vicar General Vilius Viktoravičius, who was actively involved in the organisation of the aid to Ukrainians. We are grateful to the socially responsible businessmen and women who have contributed to the Fund's account, which has also been replenished by the donations collected by the Telšiai business community for Ukraine. The money has enabled the Fund to organise events, to set up a Ukrainian Community Centre, a donation drop-off point, and to provide employment, accommodation, educational materials and other items for the newcomers from Ukraine. In the near future we are planning other activities of the Fund, about which we will be sure to inform you further, and you can follow us on Facebook page "Charity and Support Fund "Telšiai with Ukraine" or on the website https://www.telsiaiukraina.lt/, for the creation of which we are grateful to Julius Šakys. Thanks to our information supporters, i.e. XXL radio and local press, especially Algirdas Dačkevičius, editor of the newspaper "Kalvotoji Žemaitija", who help us to convey the right message about the activities of the Fund. On behalf of the Fund and the guests from Ukraine, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who contributed to the well-being of the guests and to the united efforts to achieve the goals set for them. The participants of the Fund can testify that Telšiai is full of good people who donate their belongings, clothes and money even if they lack basic necessities. Thanks to all of your help, we can say that Telšiai is a good place to live for everyone!

Event for the Ukrainian community in Telšiai "Happy Children - Happy Parents"

Published on April 8, 2022. In the newspaper "Telšių žinios"

All services in Telšiai reach out to Ukrainian families

Published on March 22, 2022. In the newspaper "Kalvotoji Žemaitija"

We would like to thank the information sponsors of the charity and donation fund "Telšiai with Ukraine", the local press newspapers "Telšių žinios" and "Kalvotoji Žemaitija".

2022 report